Welcome to the Atlantic Media Preservation (AMP) Lab! Our talented team of scan operators/artists are ready to scan your 8mm and 16mm film on our state of the art 5k Lasergraphics scanner.
The AMP Lab provides both filmmakers and the general public with access to filmmaking equipment and facilities at accessible rates. Scanning film to digital video professionally is a complex procedure with a potentially dizzying array of choices. We’re here to help make that easier to get you the results you need for your intended purpose, whether that be creating your original film on celluloid, archiving historical works or sharing your home movies with your family on the internet. At AFCOOP and the AMP Lab, we’re artists and filmmakers ourselves, and we care about your work.
Click HERE to complete the film scanning order and intake form. This will go a long way in helping us give you what you need.
Click HERE for our rate sheet.
Member Rates are available to AFCOOP’s Full or Lifetime Members in good standing who are working on a project for which they have creative control and ownership.
Regular Rates apply to rentals made by non-members, Associate Members, and most grant/in-kind funding.
Non-Profit/Educational Rates apply to approved non-profit and educational institutions and students with current IDs.
The AMP Lab is made possible through a partnership between AFCOOP and the Public Archives of Nova Scotia, with funding from the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Heritage and Tourism and the Department of Canadian Heritage.
If you have any questions, email AMP Lab manager Chris Spencer-Lowe: chris@afcoop.ca